Reducing Cost wih Azure Functions

Reducing Cost wih Azure Functions

Implementing azure function as a pipeline replacement

Table of contents

For most scenarios, github webhook usually provides enough information to its destination but lack of info that require integration from other tools

Jfrogartifacts, imageable to obtain status and names
Sonarqubeunit test , SASTable to obtain results and compliance
FortifyDAST, SASTable to obtain results and compliance
VeracodeDAST, SASTable to obtain results and compliance

Tradicionally , the implementation and integration of tools is achieved with a pipeline that is deployed on premise/cloud/hybrid environment with a CI tool available in the market which also increase cost in management and maintenance

Jenkinsself managedCI tool able to be deployed anywhere
Tekton Pipelineskubernetes orientedCI tool focused on being deployed on k8s clusters
Github ActionsSaas orientedmanaged service for github repositories
Azure DevopsSaas orientedmanaged service for any git repositories

The same desired state can also be achieved by using azure function as a centralized managed CI tool that is focused on the code to be executed rather than infrastructure to be implemented to obtain the desired output


  • Azure Function access is managed by azure RBAC roles

  • Azure Function provide environment variable in case human interaction is required

  • Code to be published and maintained is detached from a specific CI tools language model

  • Managed identities provide a layer of security to access and store credentials and custom configuration in azure storage or azure keyvault

  • Managed identities can also provide access to other resource as database in case a statefull workflow is necessary

  • Endpoint target are unaware and completely isolated from changes ocurring in this workflow allowing to detach this process from the value added chain